Sunday, December 30, 2007

Greetings from the Founder

Greetings and thank you for reading this, the inaugural entry of the Healing Embrace blog. This blog is intended to be a companion to, an (in-development) online resource to aid the healing process for victims of abuse and neglect.

Our mission is predicated on providing practical, experience-based assistance to victims of abuse and neglect. We aim to avoid just "going through the motions" of helping—we want to provide pragmatic help focused on real results.

It's not enough to simply set up shop, open the doors, get some grants and donations, and set up some programs that merely keep up the appearance that they help children and adults in need. (Unfortunately, we've worked for organizations who are satisfied with this method of operation.)

Nor is it in our interest to help children mainly to gratify our own impulse to save the world. (Unfortunately, we've also worked with well-intentioned people who let their own needs cloud their judgment and ability to give the clients what they actually needed.)

So, with Healing Embrace, we're attempting to establish a no-nonsense network that provides sound, practical help—for the benefit, first and foremost, of the children and adults in need. We have years of experience in direct, face-to-face interaction with children and adults in need, and we are putting this experience to optimal use.

Furthermore, we believe in telling it like it is. We intend to be critical of others—and ourselves—when warranted. So take heed when reading our material: We will hold nothing back. We like things that way, because it holds everyone accountable and demands real results.

So if you are devoted to children and appreciate the truth, then please check back often for updates to this blog, including ways in which you can help. Thank you.

All the best,

David Lee Cummings
Founder, Healing Embrace

© 2007 David Lee Cummings / Healing Embrace


ccreform said...

Question-are you a "Christian". After many, many years in childcare I am almost certain that the kids of love and compassion you're talking about here is impossible from secular organizations. I think it's even pretty difficult for Christians to practice! The Church has failed hurting people for decades now and left them in the hands of the secularists and we are reaping the results of that situation.

Al Newberry said...


Adam, I'm guessing? Hey, I don't think we Christians have a monopoly on love and compassion. We do, of course, know the One who is the embodiment, source, and perfect expression of love.

Healing Embrace said...

I prefer not to discuss my religious beliefs because I consider them personal and inconsequential to my work. What's more, it troubles me that compassion is so often conditional on the provider's and the client's religious beliefs or conversion.

I will say, however, that most of my child advocacy work experience has been for a Catholic organization. And this employer is the main source of my criticisms.